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Quality Assurance Engineers


Quality Engineers play an essential role in ensuring that software products meet the highest quality standards. Their responsibilities include creating comprehensive test plans, designing test cases, setting up test environments, executing tests, and more. This document outlines the key activities and best practices for Quality Engineers to ensure thorough and efficient testing processes.

Capturing Compliance Evidence with surveilr

Resource surveillance (surveilr) provides the file ingestion command for QA engineers to execute. This command captures compliance evidence from Work Product Artifacts (WPAs) and store them in a Resource Surveillance State Database (RSSD) named resource-surveillance.sqlite.db, under the uniform_resource table.

Evidence Types

  • Compliance Evidence: Shows adherence to policies.
  • Non-Compliance Evidence: Indicates violations of policies.

Common Commands

  • To ingest files in the current directory:

    Terminal window
    $ surveilr ingest files
  • To run queries in RSSDs:

    sqlite3 resource-surveillance.sqlite.db "SELECT * FROM..."

Examples of Work Product Artifacts (WPAs)

Creating a Test Plan

A company’s policy might state: “All quality engineers must create a detailed test plan for each project.” This policy can be broken down into the following requirements:

  • Outline the testing approach, objectives, scope, resources, and timelines.
  • Ensure the test plan is documented and accessible to all stakeholders.

Using surveilr for Policy Compliance and Evidence Capture

The next step is to use surveilr to ensure compliance with these policies, capturing the necessary details and storing them under the database table.

SQL Query for Verification of Test Plan Compliance

d.state_sysinfo -> 'host_name' AS "Host Name",
tp.content -> 'test_plan' AS "Test Plan"
uniform_resource ur
device d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id
ur.uri LIKE '%test_plan.json';

Compliance Evidence

Host NameTest Plan
HostName_1Detailed Plan 1
HostName_2Detailed Plan 2

Non-compliance Evidence

Host NameTest Plan

Designing Test Cases

A company’s policy might state: “All quality engineers must design test cases based on functional and non-functional requirements.” This policy can be broken down into the following requirements:

  • Base test cases on user stories and acceptance criteria.
  • Ensure test cases cover all relevant functionalities.

Using surveilr for Policy Compliance and Evidence Capture

The next step is to use surveilr to ensure compliance with these policies, capturing the necessary details and storing them under the database table.

SQL Query for Verification of Designing Test Cases

ur.content -> 'name' AS "Project Name",
ur.content -> 'test_cases' AS "Test Cases"
uniform_resource ur
device d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id
ur.uri LIKE '%test_cases.json';

Compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NameTest Cases

###$ Non-compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NameTest Cases

Setting Up Test Environments

A company’s policy might state: “All quality engineers must set up test environments that closely resemble the production environment.” This policy can be broken down into the following requirements:

  • Set up staging environments for testing activities.
  • Ensure environments are regularly updated and maintained.

Using surveilr for Policy Compliance and Evidence Capture

The next step is to use surveilr to ensure compliance with these policies, capturing the necessary details and storing them under the database table.

SQL Query for Verification of Setting Test Environments

ur.content -> 'name' AS "Environment Name",
ur.content -> 'setup_details' AS "Setup Details"
uniform_resource ur
device d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id
ur.uri LIKE '%environment_setup.json';

Compliance Evidence

Host NameEnvironment NameSetup Details
HostName_1staging-1Detailed Setup 1
HostName_2staging-2Detailed Setup 2

Non-compliance Evidence

Host NameEnvironment NameSetup Details

Manually Executing Test Cases

A company’s policy might state: “All quality engineers must manually execute test cases to validate functionality, usability, and user interface.” This policy can be broken down into the following requirements:

  • Execute test cases manually.
  • Document the results of each test execution.

Using surveilr for Policy Compliance and Evidence Capture

The next step is to use surveilr to ensure compliance with these policies, capturing the necessary details and storing them under the database table.

SQL Query for Verification of Manual Test Execution

ur.content -> 'name' AS "Test Case Name",
ur.content -> 'execution_results' AS "Execution Results"
uniform_resource ur
device d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id
ur.uri LIKE '%manual_tests.json';

Compliance Evidence

Host NameTest Case NameExecution Results

Non-compliance Evidence

Host NameTest Case NameExecution Results
HostName_2test-case-2Not Executed

Developing and Executing Automated Test Scripts

A company’s policy might state: “All quality engineers must develop and execute automated test scripts to improve efficiency.” This policy can be broken down into the following requirements:

  • Automate repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks.
  • Increase test coverage with automated scripts.

Using surveilr for Policy Compliance and Evidence Capture

The next step is to use surveilr to ensure compliance with these policies, capturing the necessary details and storing them under the database table.

SQL Query for Verification of Automated Test Scripts

ur.content -> 'name' AS "Project Name",
ur.content -> 'scripts' -> 'test:automation' AS "Automation Script"
uniform_resource ur
device d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id
ur.uri LIKE '%automation_tests.json';

Compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NameAutomation Script

Non-compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NameAutomation Script
HostName_2automation-project-2Not Executed

Performing Regression Testing

A company’s policy might state: “All quality engineers must perform regression testing to ensure new changes do not affect existing functionality.” This policy can be broken down into the following requirements:

  • Execute regression tests after every code change.
  • Document any issues found during regression testing.

Using surveilr for Policy Compliance and Evidence Capture

The next step is to use surveilr to ensure compliance with these policies, capturing the necessary details and storing them under the database table.

SQL Query for Verification of Regression Testing

ur.content -> 'name' AS "Project Name",
ur.content -> 'scripts' -> 'test:regression' AS "Regression Script"
uniform_resource ur
device d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id
ur.uri LIKE '%regression_tests.json';

Compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NameRegression Script

Non-compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NameRegression Script
HostName_2regression-project-2Not Executed

Conducting Performance Testing

A company’s policy might state: “All quality engineers must conduct performance testing to evaluate the application’s performance.” This policy can be broken down into the following requirements:

  • Use appropriate tools for performance testing.
  • Document the performance benchmarks and test results.

Using surveilr for Policy Compliance and Evidence Capture

The next step is to use surveilr to ensure compliance with these policies, capturing the necessary details and storing them under the database table.

SQL Query for Verification of Performance Testing

ur.content -> 'name' AS "Project Name",
ur.content -> 'scripts' -> 'test:performance' AS "Performance Script"
uniform_resource ur
device d ON ur.device_id = d.device_id
ur.uri LIKE '%performance_tests.json';

Compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NamePerformance Script

Non-compliance Evidence

Host NameProject NamePerformance Script
HostName_2performance-project-2Not Executed