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Release notes for Resource Surveillance (surveilr) 0.10.1

What’s New

  1. Orchestration Command Execution

    • Feature: surveilr orchestrate -n "v&v" -s xyz.sql
      • Description: Execute an xyz.sql script stored in a VFS filesystem locally. This feature supports orchestrating SQL scripts for validation and verification (v&v) purposes.
      • Usage: surveilr orchestrate -n "v&v" -s xyz.sql
  2. Script Execution Order The orchestration service now accepts multiple SQL files and guarantees they are executed in the specified order, ensuring the correct sequence of operations.

  3. SQLite Orchestration Helper Functions

    • surveilr_orchestration_context_session_id
      • Description: Adds an SQLite function to return the current active session_id.
      • Usage: SELECT surveilr_orchestration_context_session_id();
    • device_id
      • Description: Adds an SQLite function to return the device_id of the host device.
      • Usage: SELECT device_id();
    • surveilr_version
      • Description: Retrieves the current surveilr version.
      • Usage: SELECT surveilr_version();
    • surveilr_orchestration_context_active: Returns a boolean indicating if the execution is in an active context.
    • surveilr_orchestration_context_session_id: Gets the active session ID, which is the latest session still in progress and does not have a corresponding surveilr_orch_completed state.
  4. Session Management When an orchestratio session is started through the command line, it inserts a record into orchestration_session_state with the from_state column set to surveilr_orch_init and the to_state filed tosurveilr_orch _progress, indicating the session is in progress. Upon completion of execution, a new record is inserted, rather than updating the previous record, with to_state colums set to surveilr_orch_completed, marking the session as complete.

  5. Logging Feature: orchestration_session_log Table Description: Adds a new table orch_session_log to log entries with the following columns:

    category: TEXT
    content: TEXT NOT NULL
    sibling_order: NUMERIC
    parent_id: ULID
    elaboration: JSON


Please find the release here.